Black Ops 4 Blackout Guns Guide: The Best Weapons For Any Situation

Get The Right Tool For The Job

Matching the right weapon to the situation will often save your life in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's Blackout mode.

Get The Right Tool For The Job

It's tough to be ready for all the scenarios you'll see in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's battle royale mode, Blackout. The total unpredictability of how you might encounter other players is part of the draw of the battle royal genre, after all. Will you catch them out in the open, in perfect position for an easy sniper headshot? Or will you open a door to discover someone camping in a corner, listening for your arrival?

Having the right gun for the task at hand can mean the difference between getting a kill and getting killed in Blackout, but you can only carry so much. You're afforded two weapons slots, plus inventory space for a host of gadgets, grenades, and perks. More often than not, though, Blackout engagements will come down to a combination of skill, luck of the draw, and having a weapon you know and trust in your holster.

You can't always have the perfect gun for the job, but you can try to plan for what's likely, adjust based on your own playstyle preferences, and try to be prepared. If you expect to be up close and personal inside structures, close-range weapons such as SMGs and shotguns are super-effective. Likewise, you can get away with some long-range engagements with the right rifles and optics, even if you're not much of a sniper or marksman. But Blackout is full of weapons options, and when you've got time to have your pick, it can be tough to choose which guns to grab and which to leave behind.

Here's a smattering of guns we've come to enjoy for different types of scenarios that might help you make some informed choices.

For Close Encounters: Spitfire SMG

The Spitfire is a great SMG to keep handy when you're clearing interiors and fighting at close ranges.

For Close Encounters: Spitfire SMG

The Spitfire brings death to your enemies in a hail of bullets, especially at close range. Among Blackout's SMGs, it has the highest rate of fire, so it's great for those interior engagements when you might be a bit panicked and spraying ammo through a doorway after unexpectedly encountering a player. Up close in general, the Spitfire is a great choice: its recoil is low and manageable, so it's deadly aiming down the sites or firing from the hip in an emergency. The Spitfire's accuracy suffers quite a bit as range increases, so you don't want to use it in situations where your opponent is too far off, but in those early-game or late-game close encounters, or if you're spending a lot of time indoors, it's a great option--especially if you can slap a suppressor on it.

For Close Encounters: Spitfire SMG

The Spitfire's high rate of fire makes it great for close-quarters battles.

For Close Encounters: Spitfire SMG

The Spitfire sprays death on your enemies in a hail of bullets, especially at close range. Among Blackout's SMGs, it has the highest rate of fire, so it's great for those interior engagements when you might be a bit panicked and spraying ammo through a doorway after unexpectedly encountering a player. Up close in general, the Spitfire is a great choice: its recoil is low and manageable, so it's deadly aiming down the sites or firing from the hip in an emergency. The Spitfire's accuracy suffers quite a bit as range increases, so you don't want to use it in situations where your opponent is too far off, but in those early-game or late-game close encounters, or if you're spending a lot of time indoors, it's a great option--especially if you can slap a suppressor on it.

For More Close Encounters: SG12 Shotgun

Unload powerful shotgun blasts in a hurry with the SG12.

For More Close Encounters: SG12 Shotgun

The shotguns of Blackout can be something of a tough sell. Both the SG12 and MOG 12-gauges fire fairly slowly compared to other guns, and while they do massive damage, they rely on your ability to hit a (definitely moving, possibly flailing) target with most or all of the blast. The thing is, the shotguns are extremely deadly close up. The MOG packs more of a punch, but sacrifices in the areas of both ammo count (it loads four shells at a time) and firing speed (you have to cock it) as compared to the SG12. The upshot of the SG12 is that it packs six shells and is semi-automatic--you can't hold the trigger down to fire it, but you can tap it for a very fast firing rate. That allows you to dump a ton of damage on a player in a short span of time, often killing them before they can even really react, and making up for only half-connecting with your initial salvo. If you know you're likely to face people at very close ranges, the SG12 is a reliable tool for your arsenal.

For All-Around Reliability: ICR-7 Assault Rifle

The ICR is a versatile weapon you can use in a variety of situations.

For All-Around Reliability: ICR-7 Assault Rifle

The ICR-7 is the kind of gun that gets things done. It's not best-in-class for anything in particular, but it's a reliable, low-recoil assault rifle you can use in a ton of situations effectively--if you're going to be stuck with something, it's a good gun to be stuck with. The ICR fires 5.57 bullets, so you shouldn't have trouble keeping it stocked with ammo, and it's a good choice at both close and mid-range. It can also be made extra effective with just about any attachments you find, especially optics or an extended barrel. The ICR probably won't be your favorite gun, but it will be one you can rely on to get you out of a few scrapes.

For Tactical Takedowns: ABR 223 Burst Rifle

The ABR's burst fire means you're at a disadvantage close up, but it's great for those mid-range engagements where aim beats magazine size.

For Tactical Takedowns: ABR 223 Burst Rifle

In lots of Blackout situations, playing smart trumps twitch reaction, and for those moments, the ABR 223 is often the superior choice. The rifle fires three-round bursts, rather than the usual stream of bullets from other, more standard assault rifles. That means you less damage from blasting away at enemies, but the gun automatically stops you from spraying ammo all over the place. The added precision of controlled bursts means that in mid-range battles, you're more likely to actually hit what you're aiming at, and the controlled recoil of the burst can help you connect body and headshots. The ABR's burst fire isn't great in scenarios where you're either very close to your enemy or very far away, but in those mid-range engagements and places where you can find good cover, its accuracy and tendency for headshots can make the difference.

For Out-Lasting At Mid-Range: Maddox RFB Assault Rifle

The Maddox's large magazine and high fire rate make it a devastating assault rifle.

For Out-Lasting At Mid-Range: Maddox RFB Assault Rifle

Blackout offers a lot of assault rifle options, between fully automatic guns and burst-fire options like the ARB and Swordfish, so the designation of "best assault rifle" really comes down to personal preference. That said, lots of players have chosen the Maddox as their go-to AR, and for good reason. The Maddox is great for the mid-range encounters you're likely to have in most any Blackout match, and it can dish out the punishment: It has both the fastest fire rate of any AR, and a magazine to help you keep the rounds flying. Our experience with the Maddox is that it often is victorious thanks to just having more bullets than the other guy, allowing you to get in a few extra hits when you'd normally have to reload. Throw an extended magazine on there and some range attachments like scopes and an extended barrel, and the Maddox becomes a killing machine.

For Long-Distance Calls: Paladin HB50 Sniper Rifle

If you've got the skills to use it, you won't find a more powerful sniper rifle than the Paladin.

For Long-Distance Calls: Paladin HB50 Sniper Rifle

Just about any sniper rifle is better than no sniper rifle in Blackout, especially if you're sneaky and cautious. The Paladin is a favorite because it deals a ton of damage. Two body hits from the Paladin should do the job, and a clean headshot will take another player down in one. Its bolt action means Paladin fires slowly, so it requires some definitive sniper skills, but it compensates with damage and less bullet drop than other rifles, which should make aiming a bit easier. If you can sit tight and catch players unawares, the Paladin will serve you well--especially if you can build your skills so you only need a couple of shots.

For When You've Absolutely, Positively Got To Kill Everybody In The Room: Titan LMG

When you need overwhelming firepower, the Titan is the right choice.

For When You've Absolutely, Positively Got To Kill Everybody In The Room: Titan LMG

You probably won't come across the Titan super often, but when you do, it can be pretty exciting. The gun is a full-auto monster, kicking out the high damage of an LMG with the class's biggest magazine to go with it. The Titan is a bit unwieldy, but it's great in two scenarios: closer ranges and tight interior encounters where you can just pour punishment on anyone unlucky enough to be there, and suppressing fire at longer ranges. The Titan is reliably powerful and lets you dump a ton of ammo on a target, which makes it a great weapon to carry around with a squad, where other players can pack weapons that might be more effective at longer ranges. When you want to knock out a lot of people fast, accept no substitutes.

For When Something Just Needs To Blow Up: Hellion Salvo Rocket Launcher

It's a rocket launcher, and it's pretty awesome.

For When Something Just Needs To Blow Up: Hellion Salvo Rocket Launcher

Right now, Blackout only has the one rocket launcher. That said, it's a rocket launcher. It turns regular objects into piles of flaming twisted metal. The Helion is specifically designed as an anti-vehicle weapon, and it'll lock onto vehicles like helicopters and trucks if you've got the time to really line up a shot. Trashing a squad's means of getting around is fun, especially while they're inside it. You can also use rockets to flush enemies out of cover, or just give somebody a surprise in the final circle they definitely won't expect. As goes without saying, hit someone with a rocket, or get the explosion close enough to them, and they're done.